Friday, September 09, 2005

Entry on 8/9

Anyway, so I'm here in the Science Library hammering this entry out. Man, I'm quite tired from last night's chat. But anyhow, here's my rant.

There are so many things in my life that have new developments, and it's sort of draining to keep up with everyone one of them. One in particular is from the inflatable community on my MSN list. Don't get me wrong they are nice people. But there's this thing that's been bugging me lots. I just feel that there are so many secrets I've had to keep from various people. It's hard to juggle who's who and who not to tell and stuff. I wish I could confide in someone about all these secrets (Fox, you mind? lol). It's just amazing regarding the recent developments, but unfortunately, they can't all be shared openly because I've been sworn to secrecy.
What triggered this off was last night during a chat. A local guy suddenly IM-ed me about 2 tigers being sent to Singapore. I was totally caught off guard and didn't know how to reply. I was so afraid of spilling the beans. What I'm more afraid of, is that once it's spilt, it might lead on to revealing even more stuff. Then I'll make a lot of people unhappy.

Oh well, yeah... just a rant. Right now, I'm a bit fuzzy in my mind due to the lack of sleep, but I had a great time chatting with another friend. It sort of gave me time to rest and reflect about being swarmed by new developments, even if it was for that short moment.

(Hmm, I wonder which lecture I'll fall asleep in later? lol)

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