I know this is very very late, but here goes anyway. I’ll start off by listing some small yet significant things that happened in 2006.
- 1st job experience in a private organisation,
- Having the house (and my room too) repainted and getting more toy storage space,
- The opportunity to sample self-composed music
from this fella
In the area of university and studies, I’m glad to have had the opportunity to have studied a bit of Japanese, albeit it being a time consuming subject, and sociology. Also, I’m on track studying a little bit more about my interest, namely polymers, through modules either in chemistry or material science. I intend to further my knowledge about polymers by taking more of these types of modules that will somehow tip the balance towards getting employed in a polymer related industry. At this point in time, doing a masters in polymer chemistry looks very appealing after thinking about it for half a semester, and now I have a good reason to study and not just blindly studying whatever comes my way. Also, last semester I tried an old method to study for my finals, and it seems to be paying off again after seeing how my grades are the best out of all the semesters I had so far.
The news came all too suddenly. One of our friends grew concerned that Pongo hadn’t appeared online for about 3 months already, and decided to snail mail to check how he was doing. It turned out however that Pongo’s brother sent the reply and said he had passed away about a month earlier during a heart operation. The feeling was awkward, at first. This was the first time my fears was founded, which is the only time you know something bad happened to anyone would be that they didn’t appeared online for a long time. This is a sad but inescapable truth. Another thing was how, in a sense, unprepared I was for this piece of news. I knew all along that Pongo had a congenital heart condition through casual chats that I used to have with him. But, he seemed to belittle it, shrugging it off as it’d became pretty much normal to him. He always seemed fine after taking his medication or the regular hospital checkups. But looking back, I realised that each time I talked with him, his health seemed to be deteriorating, albeit not at a drastic rate. Pongo always had a cheerful disposition around his convos.
When the news sunk in, I still felt numb. I just talked with other friends who knew him well. Like just... be there. I suppose it helped both the party over the other side and myself deal with the loss.
Ultimately, I suppose the people that made 2006 for me were my online friends. And I’d like to state for the record that I enjoyed each and every bit of your company. You guys are the best.