Sunday, July 03, 2005

Entry on 2/7

I think it is essential that I put this down today. SO much has been said about my life as a Christian.


It is so important that I don't know why I can't bring myself to read it often enough, that's way I need to put it down here. Someone said that the reason why there's so much confusion between the choices we make, or why we don't hear from God, is because God is changing the principles we have made ourselves and does not answering the question directly. It's almost as if my decision that I will never do honours may not necessarily be a good thing either, as this might stifle God's plan for me.

I digress here: Lately, I've come to realise that maybe the whole 80's "flower power" and "free love" has not totally died, but instead, it has evolved. I would dare say that it has now manifested into what the world know as the FURRY lifestyle. Indeed, the Furry lifestyle has a lot of grey areas that one can continue to wallow in. But, is that really all necessary? The confusion of what's right and what's not? What has God have to say about this? More importantly, is it worth it to continue this debate? Maybe the answers will all be revealed when I start acknowledging Him first. I've been receiving prompting that the reason why God is using me is because He is using me as a vessel to get what He wants to say, through to others. But, I'm not there yet as to why I can't fully understand the gravity of the matter and, thus unable to help fully.

Seeking God's direction and purpose is of utmost importance too. Someone even mentioned going to extent that every thought and action be committed to God, or ask his permission to seek His will.